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Initiative 2063 General Introduction


The dream of Africa’s 54 sovereign states to form a United States of Africa was first conceived more than fifty years ago. Since then, Africa has struggled to overcome a history of conflicts, poverty, and despair which have ravaged the continent. In response, many African leaders have proclaimed the need for “African solutions to African problems,” calling on African states and Africans to take personal responsibility for preserving peace, stability and developing the continent.


A continent of fifty-four nations, Africa holds vast opportunity and promise. Its 1.2 billion population is expected to double by 2050 and become the world’s largest region. Africa’s journey from when it was tagged as the “The Hopeless Continent” on the cover of The Economist in May 2000 to December 2011, when the same publication put “Africa Rising” on its cover (and then “Aspiring Africa” in March 2013) has been anything but boring. Africa has become the newest destination for emerging markets investors. From 2000, according to the World Economic Forum, "half of the world's fastest-growing economies have been in Africa.


Over the last 20 years, Africa has gone from being seen as a "hopeless continent" in terms of its financial potential, to an interesting prospect for emerging market investors. The continent has extensive natural resources, a young and increasingly educated workforce, more stability in terms of governance, and more prospects for economic growth than in years past. By 2030, projections show that half of the planet’s 18-year-olds will be African. The opportunity for investment in Africa as the new frontier of innovation and entrepreneurship is evident.

As an affirmation of their commitment to support Africa’s new path for attaining inclusive and sustainable economic growth and development, African heads of state and government signed the 50th Anniversary Solemn Declaration during the Golden Jubilee celebrations of the formation of the African Union (AU) in May 2013. The declaration marked the re-dedication of Africa towards the attainment of the Pan African Vision of an integrated, prosperous, and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens, representing a dynamic force in the international arena. This led to the proclamation of Agenda 2063 which is the concrete manifestation of how the continent intends to achieve this vision within a 50-year period from 2013 to 2063.


AGENDA 2063 is Africa’s blueprint and master plan for transforming Africa into global powerhouse of the future. It is the continent’s strategic framework that aims to deliver on its goal for inclusive and sustainable development and is a concrete manifestation of the pan-African drive for unity, self-determination, freedom, progress and collective prosperity pursued under Pan-Africanism and African Renaissance.

The realization if this great and ambitious Pan African vision demands implementation of bold, impactful, and innovative undertakings and mobilization of the continent’s resources at unprecedented levels. Other critical requirements for successful realization of the goals of Agenda 2063 are the collective effort and contribution of Africans. The continent needs the ingenuity, creativity, resourcefulness, and diligent collaborative effort more than ever. 


Driven by this inspiring vision and taking into consideration what it takes to translate the Agenda 2063 vision into reality and also strongly convinced of the central role businesses should play in the Pan African development undertaking, and in affirmation of its commitment to the Agenda 2063 vision, Global Project Management Services (GPMS) launched Initiative 2063 – Pan Africa Impact Investment Initiative (PAIII) to play significant role in this exciting yet challenging undertaking.


Initiative 2063 is anchored on GPMS’s 3-I Development Model that underscores key requirements of sustainable development namely: Inclusion, Impact, and Innovation. GPMS strongly believes that any meaningful sustainable development initiative should be inclusive, meaning, everybody interested to be part of the process should be invited, given the opportunity to participate and be beneficiary of the undertaking. Furthermore, the undertaking must be impactful indicating that it should be grand and bold enough to have profound impact on significant proportion of African population. Finally, the initiative should be innovative meaning it embraces and adopts creative approaches to accelerate and scale success. GPMS also believes that the creative efforts should reap from synergistic effect of reverse engineering and disruption approaches to achieve maximum result.  


To contribute to the attainment the vision of Agenda 2063, Initiative 2063 has launched a number of exciting projects. All these projects have a single mission of making Africa #1 in aspects of development parameters in the world. The initial three targets of Initiative 2063 are:


  1. To establish Initiative 2063 Pan African Impact Investment Fund (PAIIF). (Target seed fund of $50 billion). PAIF is envisaged to become the largest sovereign guaranteed investment fund in the world within the coming 10 years. The fund will finance the various Initiative 2063 impact development projects. 

  2. To establish Initiative 2063 Pan Africa Holding (PAH). (Target seed capital of $20 billion).  The holding company is expected to be the implementation arm of Initiative 2063 and the largest holding company in the world in the coming 10 years. The holding company will commence operation by launching the following three inaugural projects.

    1. Pan Africa Pharmaceutical Corporation (PAPCOR) – ($10 billion seed capital)

    2. Pan African Value Chain Corporation (PAVCCOR) - ($5 billion seed capital)

    3. Pan African Broadcasting Corporation (PABC) - ($5 billion seed capital)

  3. To launch Campaign Africa #1 – The largest global grassroots movement to support initiative 2063 and Africa #1.   


To translate this massive and bold plan into action, GPMS has commenced the following historic activities:


  1. Launched Campaign Africa #1: Started historic grassroots membership drive through Campaign Africa #1 to mobilize support for Initiative 2063. You may participate by becoming active member and volunteer to drive membership and by participating in various Campaign Africa #1 activities and making financial and skill contributions.   

  2. Preparation is underway to float $20 million stock to the public which will be used to drive the Initiative 2063. Become owner of this historic opportunity and leave your mark while supporting the realization of making Africa #1 vision a reality.

  3. African countries, other world governments, bilateral and multilateral development institutions, global foundations, and high net worth individuals are being approached to participate in PAIIF (Pan African Impact Investment Fund).


GPMS has committed and is working diligently to make Initiative 2063 a grand Pan African success story. We Invite you to explore more and be part of this exciting venture. Thank you for taking time to read this introduction. We look forward to seeing you become active participant in this grand initiative.








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